

親愛的公公, 終於勇敢的打完這場美好的仗, 回到天父那兒了.

雖然有著萬般的不捨, 但是我們從上帝的話語得著安慰, 知道你與耶穌正在天堂一同喜樂.

 Dear Dad, you fought courageously and bravely and have overcome! You're in heaven now with Jesus.

It is very hard to accept that he will not be physically here with us anymore, but we have the comfort of the Word of God and the witness of the Holy Spirit that you are now with Jesus rejoicing!

The Bible says, "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord."   (2 Corinthians 5:8)


Dad說因為這場病, 使他看到他重視太多不重要的事遠超過他與耶穌的關係. 面對死亡讓他了解到需要再次的堅立與耶穌的關係. 他真的這麼做了, 而且很確定的告訴我們, 他的罪已被耶穌的血洗淨.

聖經哥林多後書5:8說, "我們坦然無懼,是更願意離開身體與主同住." 所以他走的無懼, 走得安然.

他兒子耶穌的血也洗淨我們一切的罪‧ 約翰一書1:7


所以即使在病中, 他有著從 上帝而來的平安與恩典. 打完這場美好的仗, 他告訴婆婆他累了, 想回天堂的家.  於是,在 大家回來看他的週末凌晨, 在睡夢中離世了.

Dad confessed to us that facing terminal cancer had caused him to see that he had put too many things in life above his relationship with Jesus. He also told us that facing death had made him see that he needed to renew and strengthen his relationship with Jesus. 

Later he confessed to us that indeed he had renewed his relationship with Jesus and that he had found peace with God. He reassured us that all of his sins had been washed away and that he had been made sqeeky clean by the blood of Jesus.

(I John 1:7) and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

(I john1:9) If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

(I John 5:11-12) And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son (Jesus). He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 



我永遠記得第一次去美國見他的家人時, 特別在這樣一個屬於家人團聚的耶誕節,夾 在一屋子大人小孩間, Hubby(那時我們還沒結婚)被許久不見熱情親友圍住.  Dad 注意到我的跼促與尷尬, 在我身邊陪了我好一陣子讓我覺得自在些,  讓還不是屬於這家人的我倍感溫馨.

The first time I met Dad was at a Christmas family reunion before Rob and I were married. I 'll always remember how hard Dad worked to make me feel loved and welcomed even though I hadn't become a part of their family yet.

 婚後幾個月回美探親,  跟公婆住了一陣子.有一天Dad突然神色凝重的說 " 妳坐下來, 我有話跟妳說."  心裡忐忑以為做錯了甚麼,  沒想到Dad 說" 謝謝妳選擇了我們的兒子, 成為我們的家人, 我要妳知道我們愛妳很高興妳成為我們的女兒.."  並和婆婆給我一個大大的擁抱, 當下讓我熱淚盈眶.  要說出這樣流露感情的話對一個 嚴肅寡言的人來說是不容易的. 謝謝Dad給我的美好回憶.

After R and I were married, we again went back to America to visit his family.  After being there for a few days, Dad asked me to sit down for a while because he wanted to say a few things to me. The serious look on his face made me wonder if I had done something wrong. He said, "I just want you to know that we really love you,  and that we're honored to have you as our daughter. Welcome to the family!" I was deeply touched by his words, especially because I know that these loving words were coming from a seemingly "tough" man like him.


僅以此文,  獻上對Keith Stroud, 我親愛的公公的愛和思念.

Dedicated to Keith Stroud, my dear father-in-law, who went to be with Jesus on October27, 2007. He was 76.   We love you and miss you.


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